
Metadata fields can be added to certain text based elements. Metadata is dynamic information that is unique to the specific instance of the printed document. Below are a list of the available metadata fields.


  • Portal URL - The URL for your unique Authentication Portal
  • Document Name - The file name of the originally printed document as captured from the original document.
  • Machine Name - The name of the computer that generated the print job through the print client.
  • Page Number - The current page number.
  • Physical Printer Name - This is the print queue name of the final destination printer as defined in the print agent
  • Printer Agent Name - When configured through a print agent, this is the name of the print agent virtual printer
  • Date/Time UTC - The time at time of printing in UTC
  • Date/Time Local - The current time as defined on the machine running the print client
  • Serial Number - The documents unique serial number
  • User Name - The username of the user who initiated the print job as captured from the print stream to the print client