
The image element gives allows the ability to add static and dynamically captured images to prescriptions. This feature is typically used to include image watermarks .


Settings Fields

Size / Position

X:  The X value for the top left position of the element. All documents are defined on an X,Y coordinate  system where 0,0 is the top left of the document.

Y: The Y value for the top left position of the element. All documents are defined on an X,Y coordinate  system where 0,0 is the top left of the document.

Width: The width (distance from X) of the element.

Height: The Height (distance from Y) of the element.

Foreground/Background: This setting determines if the element should be in the foreground or background when layered against the original document. Certain elements in original documents (e.g. data tables) are typically rendered in the finished PDF as an image, requiring an element placed by the system to be explicitly placed in the foreground to be visible in the secured document. Watermarks would typically be set to Background to allow the original documents content to be placed over them. 

Image Properties

Source (): Data captured images will be listed here for selection. Selecting Uploaded Image will cause the Upload Image button to appear and can be used to upload a static image.

Upload Image: This button only appears if Uploaded Image has been selected in the Source field. Clicking this button opens the image upload dialog box. Drag and drop an image into the dialog or click the dialog to open a browse for file dialog. 
Image files must be JPEG or PNG files


Maintain aspect ratio: Checking this box locks the aspect ratio of the images to the original source. Doing so makes it possible to resize the image without distorting it. When resizing graphics, it is important to maintain the aspect ratio to avoid stretching the graphic out of proportion.

Grayscale: Checking this box will convert a color image to grayscale.


Do not check the grayscale box if your image is already in grayscale. Doing so will result in poor image quality in the secured document.

Use native size: Clicking this button will return the image element to the original dimensions of the Source selected.


Opacity: This slider controls the images alpha channel or transparency. Moving the slider to the left will decrease the images opacity.

Watermarks will typically be set with a lower opacity.



Rotation: This slider controls the images rotation, relative to the source. Increasing the slider will rotate the image in a clockwise direction.